Travel Essentials

Travel Essentials

All set for your vacation and just counting down the days? Whether you’re headed for a romantic beach getaway, a ski holiday or a trip to the tranquil countryside, we’ve got a list of travel essentials – possibly lifesavers! - that you need to bring with you.

1. Healing Herbs 5 Flower Emergency Bach Flower Remedy

Yawning every few minutes even after downing your third cup of long black isn’t exactly the best way to start any holiday. Prevent jet lag and ease into a new time zone with this natural remedy spray. A homeopathic favourite, simply spray this remedy directly into your mouth while on the plane.

2. Anaya Throat Spray

Got a dry, scratchy throat that lozenges can’t seem to rid? Nip your sore throat in the bud before it evolves into a full on cough or cold. Made with Trigona honey and propolis, Anaya Throat Spray is great for soothing sore throats and ulcers, while refreshing the breath.

3. Bacoff Natural Hand Sanitiser

We’ve all been there. You’re out at a food festival only to realise that your hands are grimy but you have no access to wet wipes or soap and water. Rather than risk a potential bout of food poisoning, make sure you have a hand sanitiser on hand. Free from alcohol and made with all natural ingredients, Bacoff Natural Hand Sanitiser kills 99.9 per cent of germs so you can dig in with peace of mind.

4. John Masters Organics Bearberry Skin Balancing & Toning Mist

A ski holiday in Australia may sound awesome to many but not so much for your skin. The low temperatures and humidity often cause skin to become dry and parched. Alleviate this problem with John Masters Organics Bearberry Skin Balancing & Toning Mist. Spritz this mist on your face every few hours to ensure your skin stays moisturised and in OOTD-ready condition all day.

5. Absolute Essential Peppermint Essential Oil

Embark on a romantic sunset cruise without worrying about the queasy feeling in your stomach or the accompanying headache. Instead of popping a motion sickness pill, go natural with this essential oil. Rub one to two drops directly onto your stomach to maintain natural balance and counter nausea. Alternatively, add one drop to your tongue and repeat as required.

Bon voyage!